Do you still have the leftover turkey carcass/bones from Thanksgiving or Christmas?
Time to put them to good use and make an immune boosting Turkey Broth!
I love making bone broths. You might go so far as to say it’s a favourite pastime of mine because I have nothing better to do with my time, apparently. Procrastination is another term I’d prefer to use in this instance. I’m 99.9876% sure that I’m not the only one out there who uses food and cooking as a procrastination technique. Regardless of the politics, bone broths are so nourishing and tasty and you feel like Grandmas is giving you a big warm hug with each mouthful. I’m sure you knew this already though. If not, I’ve got your back. You can read more about the health benefits here.
This turkey broth is in line with my kitchen philosophy, there shall be no waste! Post the Christmas feasting train wreck, I secretly set aside the leftover Tukery bones in hope of masking from my relatives any assumptions that I’m some closet bone hoarder. For those that questioned, I made it quite clear that I had every intention of making turkey broth in the New Year. They either looked at me quizzically or nodded their head with the crazy look in their eyes that suggested I was their kooky niece that was only related to them by blood. You win some, you lose some.
Huzzah! I finally pulled the bones from the deep depths of the freezer. I had been eagerly awaiting this day for a whole 3 weeks! Did I just say that out loud?
With the added ingredients of lemon, ginger and garlic, you can’t help but feel the immune boosting power fill your body from head to toe. Perfect for the overcast day that was this day.
I just had to show you the ‘before’ photo above. There is no way you can dress up a pre-broth photo and make it look pretty. I don’t care how good your photography skills are. The truth is, it’s just a pile of carcasses, bones, raw garlic and liquid poured over that looks like the dog spilled his breakfast in his water bowl.
This on the other hand, does looking enticing to the taste buds.
- 2 Turkey Carcasses (mine were roasted)
- 6 Cloves of Sliced Garlic
- 1 Sliced Lemon
- 1 knob of Ginger (2 fingers worth – how the heck do you measure ginger?)
- Pepper
- Enough Filtered Water to cover
- 2 tablespoons of ACV
- Place all the ingredients in your Slow Cooker.
- Fill with enough Filtered Water to cover.
- Cook on low heat for 12-24 hours.
- Strain and set aside to cool.
- Once the broth has cooled, allow to chill in the fridge overnight.
- You will then be able to separate the hardened fat from the gelatinous broth.
- The bones will have degraded enough that you may even like to eat some!

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