With only less than 2 weeks until Christmas, it’s probably about time I start thinking about Christmas. The thought of buying presents doesn’t really excite me this year though. Such a Grinch. It’s probably because this year has passed in such a flurry that I’ve hardly had a chance to catch my breath. More accurately, it’s been a flurry of slurry. So much craziness! Some of it not so good, but most certainly, a large chunk of it being pure BLISS.
What does excite me though is the opportunity to spend some glorious and precious time with my family and friends and to get my BAKE and CAKE on! This is the first time I think I’ve ever really been excited about all the wonderful food I can create without the need to feel even the slightest bit deprived. It’s an opportunity to let the creative juices flow and just eat some good, real, whole food. No complaining here. Just a big fat YUM!
So if you’ve been following me over on Facebook or more recently, Google+ (<– get onto that dude. It’s rocking my world!), I’ve been sharing a bunch of delicious recipes as part of the 12 Days of Christmas that I was part of alongside some of the most awesome bloggers floating around in the cloud. Our goal was to provide some inspiration and motivation for you to bring to the table some healthy and paleo friendly Christmas treats that you can share with the ones you love the mostest. Seeing all these recipes wrapped up in one nice place (as you’ll see below), is just a testament to how much awesomeness exists within these ladies that it just-can-not-be-contained. Seriously, if you aren’t following them yet, you totally should be. I see so much potential in this community. My personal journey into real food and sustainable living and sharing it with you on this little space on the interwebs is just a small piece of the bigger picture!
One of the biggest blessings in disguise this year has by far been starting up this blog! (and the amazing people I’ve connected with as a result). The thought of 2014 just gets my all jiggy with excitement. I’ve got some pretty sweet plans lined up. So I hope you stay tuned! Psst… if you’d like to keep posted on said secretive exciting things , sign up below so I can give you a holla!
Without further a-do, here’s the list of recipes from the 12 Days of Christmas Recipe Round-up!
Day 1
A Girl Worth Saving: Dark Chocolate Peppermint Whoopee Pie
Day 2
The Skinny Pear: Ginger Snaps
Day 3
Meg’s Vegucation: Grain Free Gingerbread Roll
Day 4
My Hearts Beets: Chocolate Pecan Truffles
Day 5
Nourish With Karen: Three Nut Chocolate Torte
Day 6
Paleo Fondue: Paleo Egg Nog Ice Cream
Day 7
The Sour Path is the Sweetest: Red Velvet Bars (GAPS/Paleo)
Day 8
The Urban Ecolife: Paleo White Christmas
Day 9
Life Made Full: Reindeer Bombs
Day 10
So, Let’s Hang Out: Cinnamon Maple Bourbon Sour
Day 11
Level Health & Nutrition: Flourless Minted Chocolate Cake
Day 12
Feel free to share and ‘Pin’ the completed round-up picture below to save for later!

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