My name is Emily, and I like you already!
Thank you for stopping by and checking me out.
I’m here to help you design a sustainable lifestyle that respects the natural beauty of Mother Nature that we so dearly love whilst maintaining the modern lifestyles we are so blessed with.
This blog came about because I get you. You see, we are much the same. We love living in the city but we don’t want the world to suffer around us. We heart nature! We want to make a difference. We want to be conscious beings who give hugs and kisses to strangers, who roll around in the grass, who shop at farmer’s markets and have a balcony adorned with cute little pot plants. We want to vote with our dollar. We want so much more for the future of this planet and the generations to come. We want to be radical change makers who are here to make a difference with their lives.
So here I am and here you are. Stepping out into this big wide world; hearts filled with hope and souls blazing with fiery determination. Yet we stand amidst a society so set in its way that we often look around and wonder, “Where do I begin?”
A good place to start is to first of all, sign up for my updates! (CLICK HERE). I’ll keep you in the loop of everything going on around here so you don’t need to worry about missing a thing. As individuals, we are the change makers. The Revolution start in the hands of the people. But we must take this step together. So I will do all that I can to muster up my powers to empower you with information to help you make the changes you need to at home.
Why me?
As a 20-something urban hippie from Brisbane, I live and breathe this lifestyle. My heart overflows with the desire to help urban dwellers, like myself, bring the country lifestyle into their home. Taking that one step further though in crafting a low impact and sustainable lifestyle. The one where its normal to make your own food from scratch and even grow it yourself; to dabble in DIY activities; to participate actively in the community and act as a strong advocate for preserving Mother Nature.
I wasn’t always this way though.
For beeps sake, I graduated at the top of my class with a double degree in International Business and Finance! Everything to that point was directing me to the bright flashing neon lights of the money-making districts. So I get what the whole modern, capitalistic world is all about. Having spent quite some time working in corporate Australia though, I simply found myself run down, sick, conflicted, confused and like a little hamster pounding it out on the wheel. Except my wheel was the office cubicle.
I had to take a step back. I had to breathe. Naturally, a flurry of thoughts took up residence in my mind. Had I failed? Maybe I wasn’t made for the cut-throat world of business? Maybe God just has a different plans for me? What was I to do next?
The answer was clear.
I. don’t. know.
Whatever was to come next, I’d simply have to take a little step of faith in a different direction to find out.
To fast track your learning about Sustainable Lifestyle Design, grab a copy of the ebook:
A few other little things about me….
I have a tendency to walk around barefoot, not brush my hair, eat way too many carrots, step on dry leaves just to hear them crunch, on buy stuff on sale, squeal at cute baby animals and drink way too much coffee. Oh, and have you gathered already? I’ve taken quite the fancy to mother nature and all her abundant beauty that you may mistaken me for a Xena-like ‘Eco-warrior’ princess. Or so I would hope.
One final note. Please leave me the cake bowl to lick.
If this is your first time, be sure to check out my “Start Here” page and add yourself to my V-I-P subscriber list. I shower you with uber special love and deliver updates straight to your virtual doorstep.
Published Articles
Golden Pen Magazine: ‘A New Paradigm’ – by Emily Uebergang
Featured Guest Posts
Simple, Flawless, and Natural Skin Care – Girl Meets Nourishment
Why your local economy needs YOU! – The Nourished Caveman
Natural Tips for Dry & Cracked Feet (Homemade Moisturizer Recipe) – Live Simply
8 Reasons to Avoid Glyphosate Sprayed Food – Heal Thyself
Local Bites Challenge – Eating Local Abroad – Ever Growing Farm