Here I am. Sitting here, watching the waves roll over each other imagining myself out there gliding over each one. But I choose to sit and observe. The morning glow of the sun shimmering the most magnificent shades of gold off the white foam. Beneath is a deep blue. During the ever so brief moments of calm it even looks like silky smooth velvet. As the waves crash, I deliberate over whether the sounds come first or because I”m looking at them I then hear the sound. A rather strange thought to be mellowing over when there are bigger fish to be frying over in my mind. Like ya know, saving the world.
But why must we always be switched on? Why must we always be thinking and doing? Fighting for a cause, standing up for this and that, preaching blah blah blah. Busy busy busy. There’s a time and a place for these things but it’s not every minute of every day. These things are energy intensive activities and they are tiring. So darn exhausting. When do we give our minds time to shut down? Can our bodies truly relax, unwind and recuperate if we allow our minds to be constantly stimulated by the distractions of these tasks at hand?
I’ve come to appreciate these moments of down time more and more. I use to THRIVE off the action of a packed out schedule. Keeping myself busy felt good because it left me with time to mull over the depressing thought that maybe, just maybe, I was filling my time with useless busyness just to keep these greasy little feelings from squeezing their way into my being. Taking up the vacant lots in my mind and my heart. If I did allow them to, I’d be scared I was throwing a pity party and no one would show up. Oh that’s right, I did but I forgot to anyone.
If we’re always switched on 24/7 our performance suffers. Our energy stagnates. We can’t fight against our bodies and our minds like this. We just end up doing a lot of little things half-assed and chances are, having to do them all over again anyway. Mama always said, “Give your all or don’t give at all.” Actually no she didn’t. But I’m sure she’d agree.
How much better is it if we simply give ourselves some timeout? Rest and relax. Come back with a fresh mind and then pound out whatever we’re trying to accomplish. Pound it out and ROCK at it in the process. If you’re going to jam it out on the dance floor, then shake your booty like it’s about to burst into flames! Thinking of hiking that mountain. Then you’d better make it to the freaking top, leg cramps and all. Life isn’t worth just flicking a penny her way. Give her your whole freaking life savings.
Enough with the painful chipping and the half-hearted hacking away.
So that’s why I’m taking time to allow the ocean to stir my soul right now. Just me and the great waters of Mother Nature. Allowing her to do her thing and ground me. The wonder, the mysteriousness, the sheer scale. The fact it unites each country and every little island on this planet. This amazes me. No one is truly alone. The ocean connects us all no matter how remote. Stir away my friend. I’ve got BIG plans and I need the energy.
So remember, there is a time for rest and a time to boogie.
On this note, I’ll be taking some time off from blogging over the next 2 months as I focus on some personal work. No, I’m not abandoning you! I’ll be around still, just a little less frequently until November time when I will be back at it full force.

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