How often do you take out the trash? Is this a daily task for your household? Or maybe a weekly chore?
These are interesting thoughts because too often than not, people get so wrapped up in the idea of recycling and finding other ways to reduce their carbon footprint, they overlook one of the simplest things that they can do today to save money, improve their health and reduce their impact on this earth!
Cut down the amount of packaged food that you buy and consume!
No kidding, this is one simple thing that you can do today that will have a HUGE impact on your personal life.
It will save you money
Packaged food comes with a premium price tag relative to the actual nutritional benefit you get from eating this ‘food’. These inflated costs that you are paying for include things like manufacturing costs, factory overheads, transportation, packaging and marketing. Do you really want to be spending your money on these things? And here you were thinking you were just buying a packet of instant noodles!
To get the most bang for your buck, buy food as nature would have you eat them. Food that have minimal costs associated with them. Yes, sadly this means you will have to forgo the pretty cardboard boxes and plastic wrappers adorned in cheery (but ridiculously dorky) cartoon characters. Newsflash – we aren’t children anymore (If you have children, that’s another whole story!). Food does not need to be bland, sweet and artificially flavoured for you to enjoy. Your taste buds are fully developed and your mind is mature. You have the choice to buy food that nourishes your body, rather than feed it with artificial ingredients that simply make you crave more junk. Your bank account will thank you for it.
It is healthier for you
There’s a reason why packaged foods need labels to tell you what their nutritional profiles are and what ingredients they contain. These foods have been manufactured in labs. Does it make sense to you that we should be eating food that is processed in laboratories? Now I’m not saying that all processed foods are bad. Some have their place in our modern world. But there comes a point were you need to discern for yourself at what point you’ve lost touch with where your food comes from and what constitutes real food.
Nature intended for us to eat its food in its natural form and thus, provides us with all the nutrition that we need in order to function healthily. Our modern production of foods have tainted this ecosystem though. So think twice when you reach for that packet of M&Ms. Head over to the fruit and veggie section and see what other sweet delights nature has for you that will support your health, rather than jeopardise it.
It is better for the environment
When you minimise the amount of waste that you are throwing out, you are reducing your personal impact on this planet. That’s less landfill that we need to think about finding a place to dump. Imagine a day when you are only throwing out food scraps but even then, you use these as compost in your garden. Any other items you consume are 100% recyclable, either directly by you in your use around the home, like glass jars and bottles, or those that can be industrially recycled such as cardboard and paper. That’s the kind of world I want to live in!
The amount of waste a single household goes through in any given week is incredible. Australians are the second-highest producers of waste per person in the world. Sadly, this is not something we should be proud of.
You really have nothing to lose by taking check of what you consume and thinking twice about what goes into your shopping trolley.
Have a go at monitoring for one week how much food packaging you throw out from the what you buy and eat. This will be an eye-opening exercise. Then take action and start cutting down on the amount of packaged foods that you are buying. I want to hear how you go! Come back and leave a comment and I may be able to offer some helpful tips to help
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