It was about high time I shared with you a few things that I have fallen in love with of late. So I thought I’d bundle them all up into a love list. I enjoy reading these sort of posts from other bloggers because let’s face it, who doesn’t like to snoop into what other people are really digging, doing and totally gushing over? In a non-creepy way of course.
Considering we are nearing the end of May, (wait – WHAT?! We’re already there?!), it’s a perfect way to round out what has been another glorious month on planet earth.
Without further a-do, I present to you, my latest love list for the month of May
Sustainable Lifestyle Design
I can’t not mention my new best-selling ebook which has been getting some great reviews. Bonus for you – I’m offering it on sale for only 99 cents! Yes, this is not a joke. Be quick though, as this is only for a limited number of days.
If you’re ready to step up and BE the change that you want to see in this world, then this book is for you. I break down the quandary of global climate change so you feel confident and comfortable moving forward as a key change maker. You’ll step through the 5 principles of Sustainable Lifestyle Design that guide you in leading an environmentally conscious and renewable life. No guilt. No shame. No talk without the walk. This is about making real changes that have a real impact.
The Permaculture City
While I’m talking about books, I will mention the new release from Toby Hemenway, The Permaculture City, because as I’m sure you can imagine, I’m a little giddy with excitement for this.
I recently had the pleasure to return to my Permaculture roots in California where I was taught by Toby for part of my Permaculture Design Course last year. It’s such a privilege to come back and see the growth that has occurred in the area alongside some of my fellow Permies who have spent the last year being further mentored by him. His previous best-selling book, Gaia’s Garden, is always on my recommended reading list for people interested in applying Permaculture principles to their home. So go grab a pre-order if this excites you like is does me!
Thrive Market
There’s a few of you who have expressed how tricky it is starting out on your healthy living journeys, and I know how you feel. I encounter the same problems as I’m on the road. It can be a struggle making the best choices for you and the environment all of the time. Here’s something that will make it easier (and fun!). As a recent arrival on US soil, I’ve taken advantage of the opportunity to test out Thrive Market (sorry non-Americans, it’s not available for international shipment – YET). Thrive Market is an online marketplace with a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone. It’s as though Amazon and Whole Foods cross-pollinated!
I like to support businesses that are doing it ‘right’ (from my personal perspective) and I love that there’s now a one-stop-shop for all your non-GMO, organic, paleo, vegan, gluten free and raw needs. From food to personal products. Thrive Market uses a business model akin to Costco, so you sign up for a annual membership, but right now, you can get one-month free trial, free shipping on orders over $49 and a $10 discount if you sign up through me here. And that’s on TOP of the already discounted wholesale prices. Impressive, right?!
Hollywood can go smack itself. A new blockbuster movie has hit our screens that’s actually worth talking about. Enter, Inhabit. It’s a feature length documentary introducing the world of Permaculture: a design method that offers an ecological lens for solving issues related to agriculture, economics, governance, and on. It’s a beautiful message and I’m so glad we finally have a medium like this to share the good work of trailblazers out there who are making a BIG difference in the world. Watching movies is my guilty pleasure but I love documentaries more so. It’s nice I can do so without the guilt…
Blog Crush
I’ve been fortunate to visit my dear friend Vivica, from The Nourished Caveman, here in California again. We always get up to mischief in the kitchen when we’re together. I mean, come one, last year we recorded ourselves making the wildly crazy idea of Sardine Mousse. So we thought, what the heck?! Why not make goofs of ourselves again and record another recipe creation in an attempt to make healthy and nourishing food interesting? (Sorry friends, you won’t see any double chocolate, sugar-laced brownies with a layer of caramel and whipped cream on top around here) Hence, I introduce you to the Savory Keto Panna Cotta. If you’re stumped by what the heck this is, then please, go check it out for yourself. I’m telling you, this recipe does not disappoint. It was a surprising flavor winner in our books. There’s a fun video included so check it out.
That wraps up my latest loves for May.
What have you been loving of late?

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